Wednesday, 11 April 2012

5 Healthy Tips to Freelance from a Laptop

Yes, we all love the portability of a laptop. The fact that we can take it on the road with us, and work anywhere we go is a huge selling point to having one. However, if you are like me, you work on it all the time, even when not on the run.

So, I am all too familiar with the aches and pains that are associated with long term ‘lap-topping’, above and beyond that which comes from sitting at a traditional desktop computer. The good news is that I have decided to do something about it.

I have discovered ways to help relieve some of the pains and stresses that go along with using a laptop, as well as working on any computer all day long. Let’s face it, sitting at our computers all day can be great for business. Our bodies, not so much.

Typical Ailments we Battle

Among some of the worse ailments that come along with working at a computer all day are a sore back, hips, and neck. And, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to invest all my earnings into a back pain specialist, or a series of physical therapy sessions.

Other ailments include fatigue, poor posture, and weight gain. Ironically, all of these I just mentioned can intensify the other aches and pains if we don’t get them under control. It’s a Catch-22, so to speak, isn’t it?

So, read on to find out what you can do right now to counter it.

1. Ergonomics Tools and Ideas

One of the downfalls to working on a laptop, is that it doesn’t allow for ergonomics as easily as the traditional desktop computer, because it’s an all-in-one system, rather than separate components. However, Dr. Tamara James of Duke gives some valuable information for protecting our bodies while working on a laptop.

She recommends using a docking system, and work with an external monitor that can be adjusted in height. Also, an external keyboard allows you to use one that is ergonomic in helping to reduce strain on the wrists. If you can avoid Carpal Tunnel, do. It often requires surgery, with a recovery of about 6 weeks. And, there’s no guarantee that it will be successful.

If you see a Chiropractor, ask them to check your wrists if you are having some pain through them. I was amazed a few years ago when I thought for sure I was facing surgery, until my Chiropractor did just one adjustment on them.

Some people might not want to deal with all the extra external components mentioned above. So, an option would be to buy a device that elevates the laptop slightly, and on an angle. The angle creates the proper alignment so your neck and eyes are not strained, as well as the wrists.

2. Lumbar Chair

Talking about a good lumbar chair warrants its own section. The reason is because it’s really important to your overall well-being when sitting all day, including how you use it.

Having a good lumbar chair doesn’t automatically relieve you of all pain. In fact, it won’t help at all, if you aren’t sitting at it properly. Here is what you need to get the most out of your chair:

* Adjust the height so that your feet are resting comfortably on the ground. If this isn’t possible, place a box on the floor so your feet can rest on it. This will help take away some stress on your lower back.

* Roll the chair right up to your desk, so that your upper arms are resting by your side, and the monitor is an arm’s length away. Just like the dinner table, elbows should be off slightly.

* Adjust the monitor’s height so you are looking into the center of it, without bending your neck.

* Sit all the way back in the chair and that the lumbar curve fits right into the small of your back. Leaning forward puts a lot of stress on your lower back, hips, and even the neck.

All other options on the chair are purely personal, such as padding and ease of rolling. Sit in a few to try them out before buying one.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

I know, it seems odd that I am discussing water when talking about laptops. But, it makes sense, because I am talking about remaining our healthiest while working at a laptop.

First, drinking lots of water is healthy, period. Second, it will most likely encourage you to get up once in a while to take a break, which is great for your body. Getting up and walking around during the day will rejuvenate both your body and your mind.

4. Eat Light and Healthy Snacks

Again, it makes sense. By eating healthy and taking care of our bodies, it will take some pressure off our joints, literally. Our weight and strength both play a role in how much we hurt.

If we snack on light and healthy snacks, it will not only get us up for a break, but also will lead to more energy, both body and mind.

5. Get Up and Move During Your Breaks

If you want to eliminate some of the pain from sitting all day, don’t sit all day. Take a couple breaks, or as many as it takes… before you are too stiff to move at all. Movement will do your body a world of good, as well as your career.

In Closing

Hopefully I have shared some valuable information to help you remain healthy while working at a laptop all day. I know it has all helped me, and the result is more energy for my career, and my family.

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